General Exercises

Dan Pope Jumping Videos

Dan Pope has put together three excellent videos going through a series of jumping exercise progressions

Running Drills

Chris is a PT with a special emphasis on running rehabilitation and has a number of great ideas here.

Kettlebell Coaching

Some excellent videos on teaching the hinge and kettlebell coaching from two of the best.

Knee Specific Conditions

Hamstring Strains

Excellent review of current best evidence on managing hamstring strains

Groin Injuries

In depth reviews and a discussion of exercise options

Hamstring Exercise Series

A series of hamstring exercises inspired in part by Frans Bosch

Exercise Database

A great database courtesy of XL Athletes

Evidence Based Exercises

John Snyder has an excellent blog series on exercise selection based on the evidence

Hip Exercise/Mobility Series

Scott Hagnass gives a series of exercises for the hip that he teaches and uses.

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