General Examination

Current Concepts

Current Concepts in the Scientific and Clinical Rationale Behind Exercises for Glenohumeral and Scapulothoracic Musculature.

Chris Littlewood

Chris is a researcher with a special emphasis on shoulder rehabilitation and has a few great presentations here.


Details on Jeremy Lewis’s Shoulder Symptom Modification Procedure

Shoulder Exercise Selection

Paper discussing shoulder exercise choices specific to the scapula.

General Exercise Options

Blog Archive

Mike Reinold’s blog archive on shoulder exercises.

Shoulder Exercise/Mobility Series

Scott Hagnass gives a series of exercises for the shoulder that he teaches and uses.

Dan Pope Shoulder Videos

Dan Pope has put together two excellent videos going through a series of shoulder exercise progressions

Adam Meakins

Adam has a lot of post on shoulders but this is a good summary of 5 great exercises.


Andro Spina has a lot of info on multiple aspects of exercise and here are a few on the shoulder.

More Resources: