Created by Scot Morrison
These are the live tweets I did during the private seminar Patrick did at Drive #495. It was a great learning experience and I wanted to put my take away points down somewhere. So here it is. Please note this is only what I tweeted so you will not see the tweets I was replying to on some of these.
07:23 Today’s seminar from @OSPpatrick at @Drive495 on a holistic approach to training will try to live tweet
07:25 Physiological buffer zone – stress resistance
/movement / fitness #drive495
07:25 Stress resistance/tolerance may be the most important
07:29 No situation is perfect – stress happens. This is where
the movement reserve shines. #drive495
07:36 Application of the FMS – rule out painful mvmt. Hit a
minimum standard. No need for perfection – rule out
issues & then train #drive495August 2013 / 2
07:41 @NickTNpt quick screen to look for pain look at
movement. This is not in a PT setting – strength
training it allows for a quick glimpse
07:41 @NickTNpt no need, just a system.
07:44 FMS is one small part of tests. Look at sport specific
tests. Test movement dynamically. Etc #drive495
07:47 Diaphragm getting some love. Warm ups have moved
from # of reps to # of breaths #drive495
07:56 all of our professions apply a stress to the athlete in
the hopes of eliciting a positive adaptation. How do you
know? Monitor #drive495
07:58 Homeostasis – not wrong but possibly incomplete for
all but a few systems. #drive495
08:08 Poor balance between pns and sns leads to increased
risk of inflammatory disease. Still need to stim system
to get training effect #drive495
08:09 HRV not so much important for what it tells us of the
heart – it’s importance is telling us what’s going on
with the brain #drive495
08:10 Keep the stress account in balance. Specific vs
nonspecific stress. Monitor both! #drive495
08:13 Life stress (nonspecific) very important. Don’t get
tunnel vision & miss stressors that are outside the ones
applied in training #drive495
08:17 Impact of life stress on performance has been fairly
well studied. And plays a huge role. Breathing is our
window into the ANS #drive495
08:20 Breathing mirrors threat. #drive495
08:23 So far the most valid measure we have for assessing
the patients state is the subjective questionnaire. #RPE
08:24 What is fitness? Many definitions. Physical capacity
can be divided into energy producing and
neuromuscular #drive495
08:26 Work capacity doesn’t come from 4 weeks of throwing
med balls and doing tempo runs. (Or tabatas) It is built
over athletes life #drive495
08:28 General, directed, and special endurance. Three separate
buckets. #drive495
08:29 You don’t just drop into LTAD stage based on your age.
Must earn your way there. #drive495
08:53 Don’t need to know everything. Know enough about
other areas so that you can find those who fill in the
blanks #drive495August 2013 / 4
08:54 Old paradigm: strength and conditioning. Shift
towards physical preparation as a whole. Driven by
physiological needs vs exercise #drive495
09:05 Start with a needs analysis! Bioenergetics, movements
that dominate sport, qualities needed for success,
common injuries. #drive495
09:09 Most team sports are all about power at anaerobic
threshold. #drive495
09:11 Exercise classification grid: can be really complex but
general/general specific/specific based on sports needs
is a good approach #drive495
09:18 Sometimes it makes sense to be more general than
specific #drive495
09:20 @TRohjell it is a pretty general statement via twitter.
But would be interested in what evidence you have to
support your beliefs.
09:20 @IvonneBWard absolutely! Be proud of your man 😉
09:21 @TRohjell will discuss later. In seminar now.
09:23 How much does a one off expression of power matter
if they have to do it more than once? How long before
they can repeat it? #drive495August 2013 / 5
09:27 Build a test battery that allows you to understand the
athlete in their sport. #drive495
09:28 @srharris22 if painful refer to medical professional. If
not try for symmetrical 2/3s. Be sure to build the
09:30 Repeat sprint ability: ton of limiting factors. Initial
sprint speed/mode of exercise/variables
tested/Enviromentalfactors 1/2 #drive495
09:32 Poor rate of PCr re synthesis/increased H+/impaired
cell membrane/stiffness/CNS/etc all trainable but if
trained must be tested #drive495
09:34 Testing RSA: single set, multi set, match set tests.
Speed detriment % is key here #drive495
09:38 Bishop for RSA research – methods include Small sided
games, interval training (long duration “aerobic” vs
short) etc #drive495
09:41 What about strength work for RSA? Ability to
maintain stiffness may be crucial for resisting fatigue.
Can be trained via weights #drive495
09:42 But… Development of aerobic system is key. Multiple
adaptations that allow for ability to repeatedly express
power with fatigue #drive495August 2013 / 6
09:44 Arguing against aerobic work “cuz ima lose my gainz”
is same thinking as “don’t wanna lift weights cuz ill
get too bulky” #drive495
09:47 High levels of oxidative capacity of type II fibers is
key for team sport athletes via role in power at AnT
09:49 Heart rate changes during strength training is
mediated by sns due to drive for MU recruitment –
NOT due to cardiovascular demands #drive495
09:50 @srharris22 should be. Point was refer out if non
medical regardless of medical practitioners approach.
09:56 Anaerobic interval training: cost of doing business.
Example. Why do 8 weeks if majority of adaptations
come in 1st week? #drive495
10:01 Intense intervals = high stress! Once again what is min
effective dose? #drive495
10:13 RT @jeffcubos For those w/ little to do today, follow
@scotmorrsn & #drive495 for live updates from
@OSPpatrick’s seminar in NYC. #sadicouldntmakeit
10:17 In order to produce a training effect in someone who
is untrained you don’t need a big stimulus. Basic is
best. #drive495August 2013 / 7
10:19 You don’t have to do a lot of things to get where you
want to go. You just need to do the right things
10:23 @entheosathletic @jeffcubos @OSPpatrick Glad you’re
enjoying it
10:32 Think energy systems as power-capacity continuum
-this applies to all systems #drive495
10:35 Lets not be enamored with exercise. Exercise means
dictated by individual and sport #drive495
10:40 Aerobic development, zone 1 85-95% of AnT. Zone 2
95-105% of AnT. Cardiac output 70-85% of AnT.
Myocardial strength >95% max #drive495
10:41 Tempo work: trained at <70/80% AnT for given
distance. Higher seems ok with team sports athlete
10:44 Pause with high resistance continuous training to
prevent hypoxic environment. Otherwise different
adaptations occur #drive495
11:00 Anaerobic training is something applied briefly and
with specific purpose. #drive495
11:24 Tons of means and methods being discussed. Too much
to put on here. Overriding theme is the same – let
needs analysis drive choice #drive495August 2013 / 8
12:43 After lunch…good idea to educate your athletes: You
can’t add stress to your life till you manage what you
have. #drive495
12:48 These principles are basic and are applicable to any
environment. Spend the time to figure out how it
works in what you do. #drive495
12:49 Why do we monitor? We have to see how well the
individual can adapt to the stress. #drive495
12:53 Reasons why it didn’t work: not the right stimulus,
too much/to little, reached a ceiling. Go back and adapt
based on analysis #drive495
12:57 Training mistakes include no recovery, no goals,
boredom, intrinsic/extrinsic pressure, social/life stress
that isn’t accounted 4 #drive495
13:02 Overtraining: can be local/global,
sympathetic/parasympathetic. take home point: It isn’t
black and white #drive495
13:04 Parasympathetic OT: impaired performance, fatigue,
depression, depressed HR. Sympathetic OT: Increased
RHR, sleep issues etc. #drive495
13:06 What should you monitor? What works in ur
situation? How easy is it to implement and collect data?
Individual to situation #drive495August 2013 / 9
13:09 External vs internal training loads: external what’s
done to the athlete (jump test etc) – internal is how
they reacted (RPE etc) #drive495
13:10 An overreached athlete can typically begin at normal
intensity but cannot maintain that level. #drive495
13:13 Physiological readiness: jump testing, power testing
(tendo etc), grip strength, HR (is also internal)
13:14 Internal training loads: how are you feeling today?
How hard was that workout? < Score it & shown to be
the most valid measure #drive495
13:24 Use a daily questionnaire – session RPE can be done
during the cooldown. Make sure it’s done individually
to avoid peer influence #drive495
13:26 Record session RPE. Match this with what the coach
thinks the RPE should be. Compare the two #drive495
13:27 Hey @laurusrehab thank @OSPpatrick for the many
years he spent putting this together. I just used my
thumbs for a few hours 🙂
13:29 Training load = session RPE x Duration of training in
minutes #drive495August 2013 / 10
13:34 Use both Bioforce and Omega wave but has a number
of reservations on using them and HRV. Ex. Time may
be too short ( <4min) #drive495
13:35 “@laurusrehab: @OSPpatrick @scotmorrsn Patrick, this
is awesome stuff! Thanks for all your work.”
13:37 Is low HRV always a bad thing? Not at all. Pre
competition may not want to be parasympathetic.
13:39 Also huge psych implications if athlete is told that
“red” is bad and is in red on game day. Might be a good
idea to avoid this. #drive495
13:42 Questions about HRV: what stressor caused change?
What is psych cost? Do we even know enough re HRV 2
say anything about training? #drive495
13:55 Stress is necessary! High amounts of stress for a short
period isn’t a bad thing. The key is how the athlete
adapts to it. #drive495
14:00 Back off week. Decrease volume and/or intensity. Low
volume & high intensity = standard approach
14:10 Big mistake: missing parts of the picture by focusing
in on minutia. Look at the whole picture #drive495August 2013 / 11
14:12 Choosing recovery methods: what does the athlete like?
Where in training phase? What system are you trying
to recover? #drive495
14:24 Trigger points: hotly debated and who really knows at
this point? Does elicit referral pain patterns 4 some
reason when palpated #drive495
14:27 Massage and sympathetic dominance. Some soft tissue
work can evoke a parasympathetic response “good
hurt” – Don’t over treat! #drive495
14:50 2 HIT sessions weekly with aerobic training is well
tolerated by endurance athletes. 3+ leads to some
overreaching #drive495
14:53 Vertical integration a la Charlie Francis. Group ur
stressors. High w/ high & low w/ low. Make your hard
days hard & easy 1’s easy #drive495
14:59 Concurrent training: good for in season, returning
from injury, limited time, etc. #drive495
15:23 @wellandable @ItsJoHighNes not due to cardiovascular
demands. Increased HR during strength work is driven
by different means.
15:27 Series of case studies. Solid info but hard to share
#drive495August 2013 / 12
15:42 Great day. @OSPpatrick absolutely killed it with an
excellent presentation #drive495
16:16 @IvonneBWard @OSPpatrick I’ll put it together as a PDF